Thursday, January 23, 2014

La comida

In México the big meal is mid-day, usually at one or one-thirty. It is called La comida, which, oddly enough literally means, the food, but really means, the meal. This practice is also true of many hot countries as it also allows people to get out of the mid-day heat. In the greater part of México people work near their homes so they are able to return for la comida, unlike us Nortes who typically commute.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, some days I do comida, and others a light lunch or even brunch. When I have la comida, I don't eat again, as is the custom, till eight or nine at night, and then a simple taco or two. In México city you'll see the local taco stands quite busy at late night, much more so than during the day.

Today I had la comida with an old friend Jim. We went to Tony's, an Ajijic institution serving first-rate Mexican food.I had BBQ ribs which were delicious, as were the frijoles and guacamole.

La comida is intended as a large meal.  After la comida everyone goes back to work, and children go back to school. The kids are not home before seven, and most worker not till eight or nine. When I ate at the Beer Garden on the Chapala malecon last Sunday, the tacos shown here weere listed as an appetizer. They sure did me in.

You probably noticed that I mentioned that the food at Tony's was Mexican. What, you said, what else would it be? I mean, you're in México, right?  Good question. Every Mexican town or city of any size has several restaurants that are not Mexican but, perhaps, Thai, Chinese, African, German among others. (Though, come to think of it, I haven't seen any Indian restaurants. Odd, that.) The higher the socio-economic status of the Mexican community and the larger the Canadian/American community, the more range you will find. After all,  people live here full-time, and especially the ex-pats will seek a change. Whence my burger last night.

Tomorrow's going to be a photo day of central Ajijic, so look for it. You  can often find more photos by looking at the links to the right of the blog at the top.

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